Dynamics of the Earth: Theory of the Planet's Motion Based on Dynamic Equilibrium

Dynamics of the Earth: Theory of the Planet's Motion Based on Dynamic Equilibrium
Publisher: Springer | pages: 280 | 2010 | ISBN: 9048187222 | PDF | 10,4 mb
In their search for solutions to problems concerning the dynamics of the Earth as a self-gravitating body, the authors have applied the fundamentals found in their book “Jacobi Dynamics” (1987, Reidel). First, satellite observations have shown that the Earth does not remain in hydrostatic equilibrium, which forms the physical basis of modern geodynamics. Secondly, satellite data have established a relationship between the planet’s polar moment of inertia and the potential of the Earth’s outer force field, which proves the most basic point of Jacobi dynamics. This allowed the authors to revise their derivation of the classical virial theorem, introducing the concept of a volumetric force and volumetric moment, and so to obtain a generalized virial theorem in the form of Jacobi’s equation.