العلاج الطبيعي Infections of the central nervous system


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المرجو مساعدتي للحصول على هذا الكتاب:
Infections of the central nervous system


W. Michael Scheld, Richard J. Whitley, Christina M. Marra
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004 - 939 pages
The "gold standard" clinical reference on central nervous system infections is now in its thoroughly revised, updated Third Edition. More than 70 leading experts provide comprehensive, current information on all infections--both neural-specific and systemic--that involve the central nervous system. This edition includes new information on botulinum toxin as a biological weapon and a therapeutic agent, neurologic effects of viruses causing hemorrhagic fevers, and infections that have recently become more prevalent or been found in new geographic locations. The updated coverage of therapeutics includes AIDS/HIV medications and other antiviral drugs, new antifungal medications, and vaccinations against Lyme disease and bacterial meningitis.

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