Elliptic and Parabolic Equations


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Elliptic and Parabolic Equations
Author(s): Zhuoqun Wu, Jingxue Yin, Chunpeng Wang
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Date : 2006
Pages : 424
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 9812700250

This book provides an introduction to elliptic and parabolic equations. While there are numerous monographs focusing separately on each kind of equations, there are very few books treating these two kinds of equations in combination. This book presents the related basic theories and methods to enable readers to appreciate the commonalities between these two kinds of equations as well as contrast the similarities and differences between them.

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كتاب مفيد


  • Preliminary Knowledge
  • L2 Theory of Linear Elliptic Equations
  • L2 Theory of Linear Parabolic Equations
  • De Giorgi Iteration and Moser Iteration
  • Harnack's Inequalities
  • Schauder's Estimates for Linear Elliptic Equations
  • Schauder's Estimates for Linear Parabolic Equations
  • Existence of Classical Solutions for Linear Equations
  • Lp Estimates for Linear Equations and Existence of Strong Solutions
  • Fixed Point Method
  • Topological Degree Method
  • Monotone Method
  • Degenerate Equations
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