Kaplan Step 2 CS-Course guide – Book and 14 Lectures

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Why Choose Kaplan’s Step 2 CS 5-day
*Prepare for a Step 2 CS exam in the most comprehensive way. This intensive hands-on program is designed to provide you with a thorough review of the skills tested on the exam featuring hands-on interactive learning through numerous patient encounters and teaching from our expert faculty.
*10 standardized patient encounters with feedback are included.
*Course includes teaching and training in effective physician/patient communication, conducting a relevant patient history, performing a focused physical exam, and writing a concise patient note.
*Additional study materials include Kaplan Medical Step 2 Clinical Skills Notes.
Course Features In the Center
*Hands-on, comprehensive review
*Teaching sessions by our expert faculty on doctor-patient communication skills, directed history taking, focused physical exam, and patient note writing
*10 standardized patient encounters with personalized analysis and feedback completed by standardized patients