Neutrosophic Physics: More Problems, More Solutions
by F. Smarandache
Publisher: North-European Scientific Publishers 2010
ISBN/ASIN: 9526734904
ISBN-13: 9789526734903
Number of pages: 96
Format : PDF
Language : English
Size : 1.52 MB
Quality :Excellent
Neutrosophic logics is one of the promising research instruments, which could be successfully applied by a theoretical physicist. Naturally, neutrosophic logics, being a part of modern logics, states that neutralities may be between any physical states, or states of space-time. In particular, this leads, sometimes, to paradoxist situations, when two opposite states are known in physics, while the neutral state between them seems absolutely impossible from a physical viewpoint.
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by F. Smarandache
Publisher: North-European Scientific Publishers 2010
ISBN/ASIN: 9526734904
ISBN-13: 9789526734903
Number of pages: 96
Format : PDF
Language : English
Size : 1.52 MB
Quality :Excellent
Neutrosophic logics is one of the promising research instruments, which could be successfully applied by a theoretical physicist. Naturally, neutrosophic logics, being a part of modern logics, states that neutralities may be between any physical states, or states of space-time. In particular, this leads, sometimes, to paradoxist situations, when two opposite states are known in physics, while the neutral state between them seems absolutely impossible from a physical viewpoint.

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