Pulmonology Francis Smith, Bruce Keene, Larry Tilley - Rapid Interpretation of Heart and Lung Sound

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Francis Smith, Bruce Keene, Larry Tilley - Rapid Interpretation of Heart and Lung Sounds: A Guide to Cardiac and Respiratory Auscultation in Dogs and Cats
Publisher: Saunders | 2006-03-22 | ISBN: 0721604269 | PDF | 92 pages | 53.22 MB

This complete resource gives you everything you need to perform accurate auscultation of the heart and lungs in dogs and cats. Use the helpful instructions, ECGs, and phonocardiograms in the companion book as a guide while the clear, interpret, and differentiate heart and lung sounds, including murmurs and arrythmias. Includes self-evaluation tests to measure what you already know and determine when you've mastered the material.
NEW! Lung sounds are now included, in addition to heart sounds.
An easy-to-follow format simplifies learning.
Posttests help determine when the material has been mastered.
Clinically relevant conditions are included, making it easy for readers to apply this information to day-to-day practice.
Lung sounds added
Many more heart sounds
Section on murmurs and arrhythmia expanded
