Liquid Crystalline Polymers
A. M. Donald, A. H. Windle, S. Hanna - Liquid Crystalline Polymers
Publisher: Cambridge University Press | 2006 | ISBN: 0521580013 | PDF | 604 pages | 50.74 MB
The new edition of this authoritative guide on liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) science has been produced in response to the wealth of new material recently generated in the field. It takes the reader through the theoretical underpinnings to real-world applications of LCP technology in a logical, well-integrated manner. A chapter on liquid biopolymers has been introduced, whilst the in-depth discussion on applications describes not only maturing fields of high strength structural LCPs, but also a detailed analysis of the developing area of functional materials. The in-depth coverage and detailed glossary establishes this as an indispensable text for graduate students and researchers in the polymer field, as well as being of interest to those working in chemistry, physics and materials science.
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A. M. Donald, A. H. Windle, S. Hanna - Liquid Crystalline Polymers
Publisher: Cambridge University Press | 2006 | ISBN: 0521580013 | PDF | 604 pages | 50.74 MB
The new edition of this authoritative guide on liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) science has been produced in response to the wealth of new material recently generated in the field. It takes the reader through the theoretical underpinnings to real-world applications of LCP technology in a logical, well-integrated manner. A chapter on liquid biopolymers has been introduced, whilst the in-depth discussion on applications describes not only maturing fields of high strength structural LCPs, but also a detailed analysis of the developing area of functional materials. The in-depth coverage and detailed glossary establishes this as an indispensable text for graduate students and researchers in the polymer field, as well as being of interest to those working in chemistry, physics and materials science.
ملاحظة : انت بحاجة الى Adobe Reader 8.1.1 لتفتح الملفات عندك بصورة سليمة