Chemissian 1.770 Portable | 5 Mb
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يعمل بدون تنصيب
Chemissian is an analyzing tool of molecules electronic structure and spectra. It can manipulate molecular orbital energy-level
diagrams (Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham orbitals), calculated and experimental UV-VIS electronic spectra, electronic/spin
density maps and prepare them for publication. Chemissian has a user-friendly graphical interface and lets you examine and
visualize data from the output of Gaussian, US-Gamess, Firefly/PC-Gamess quantum chemical program packages. Chemissian
tools helps you to investigate nature of transitions in UV-vis spectra, bonding nature, etc.
الرجاء من الأخوة الأفاضل التعليق على البرنامج وكيف نحلل به
ولكم جزيل الشكر