Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics I: Mechanics and Heat


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طاقم الإدارة
Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics I: Mechanics and Heat
المؤلف: Alvin Halpern
الناشر: McGraw-Hill; edition 1
تاريخ النشر: 1995-01-01
عدد الصفحات: 471
امتداد الملف: PDF
اللغة: الإنجليزية
ردمك-10: 0070256535
ردمك-13: 9780070256538

وصف الكتاب
This powerful study tool makes it possible--آ­آ­even for students with relatively weak training in mathematics and science problem solvingآ­آ­--to quickly gain the reasoning skills and confidence they need to master physics and excel on exams. It coaxes readers through the subject matter and methodology, helping them to naturally develop a grasp of the material typical of a rigorous, no-calculus-based course. With this guide, so like an excellent tutor, they'll soon develop an ability to deal comfortably with sophisticated problems.


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