about the cover letter


النجم المضيء
Hello friends,
some times, when submitting a paper to a journal, we are asked to write a cover letter. My question is: How can one write a cover letter and what is its content? Thank you in advance for the your remarks and answers
موضوع الـ cover letter بسيط جداً وتطلبه بعض المجلات. كل ما عليك كتابته هو فقرة صغيرة تبدي فيها اهتمامك بالمجلة وتتحدث فيها عن موضوع مقالك. مثال: لنفترض أنني سأقدم مقال بعنوان
The rule of water in Arabic-Israeli conflict
water International
يمكن كتابة cover letter كما يلي:
Dear Sir
It is my pleausre to submit my article, which is entitled:
"The role of water in Arabic-Israeli conflict"
for possible publication in your Journal. The article comprises a joint effort by the authors and different relevant organisations ..and the work was supported by the university of UNDC and funded by USAID
I hope that the article will be accepted in your Journal

Sincerely Yours,
موضوع الـ cover letter بسيط جداً وتطلبه بعض المجلات. كل ما عليك كتابته هو فقرة صغيرة تبدي فيها اهتمامك بالمجلة وتتحدث فيها عن موضوع مقالك. مثال: لنفترض أنني سأقدم مقال بعنوان
The rule of water in Arabic-Israeli conflict
water International
يمكن كتابة cover letter كما يلي:
Dear Sir
It is my pleausre to submit my article, which is entitled:
"The role of water in Arabic-Israeli conflict"
for possible publication in your Journal. The article comprises a joint effort by the authors and different relevant organisations ..and the work was supported by the university of UNDC and funded by USAID
I hope that the article will be accepted in your Journal

Sincerely Yours,
Thank you for your answer. You are our prof here
يجب توضيح ان البحث origin ولم يتم نشره ولم يقدم للنشر في غير هذه المجلة والانتباه لكتابة عنوان الشخص المقد له في اعلى الصفحة