السلام عليكم
اذا ممكن احد يساعدني في توضيح هذا التعريف بشكل مبسط وجزاكم الله خيرا
In addition to the mapping properties given in [1, Theorem 4.1
اذا ممكن احد يساعدني في توضيح هذا التعريف بشكل مبسط وجزاكم الله خيرا
DEFINITION 4.1. [1, p. 185] and [2, p. 737]. Let f be a function
from X to Y. Let
b be a fuzzy set in Y and let a be a fuzzy set in X.
Then the inverse image of b under f is the fuzzy set f~l(b) in X defined
Then the inverse image of b under f is the fuzzy set f~l(b) in X defined
f~l(b)(x) = b(f(x)) for x . The image of a under f is
the fuzzy set
f(a) in Y defined by f(a)
= V {a(x) :f(x) = y} for
In addition to the mapping properties given in [1, Theorem 4.1