Best Practice in Labour and Delivery

ابو ابراهيم

مشرف كليه الطب
طاقم الإدارة

An understanding of when and how to intervene is the key to good obstetric care. This textbook is an encompassing reference covering all the essential information relating to childbirth; it offers clear practical guidance on all aspects of labour and delivery. Written by well-known leading experts, each chapter offers a modern authoritative review of best practice. The evidence base decribed will help to optimize outcome through appropriate clinical management and justifiable intervention. Whilst this is an ideal textbook for those training and taking examinations in labour ward practice, it offers all those caring for the woman in labour a modern, evidence-based approach which will help them understand, recognize and deliver the best possible clinical care. The importance of team working, prioritizing, and the organization of maternity care receive appropriate emphasis with clear guidance and practical advice.
بعد التحية
كتاب قيم وجيد في موضوع الولادة
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