كتاب : Encyclopedia of Algorithms


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Encyclopedia of Algorithms

Ming Yang Kao, «Encyclopedia of Algorithms»
Springer | ISBN: 0387301623 | 2008 | PDF | 1200 pages | 52.15 MB

The Encyclopedia does not use the format of a conventional long survey for several reasons. A conventional survey takes a handful of individuals too much time to write and is difficult to update. An encyclopedia entry contains the same kinds of information as in a conventional survey, but an encyclopedia entry is much shorter and is much easier for readers to absorb and for editors to update. Furthermore, an algorithmic area is surveyed by a collection of entries which together provide a considerable amount of up-to-date information about the area, while the writing and updating of the entries is distributed among multiple authors to speed up the work.

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Encyclopedia of Algorithms​

Ming Yang Kao, «Encyclopedia of Algorithms»
Springer | ISBN: 0387301623 | 2008 | PDF | 400 pages | 52.15 MB​

The Encyclopedia does not use the format of a conventional long survey for several reasons. A conventional survey takes a handful of individuals too much time to write and is difficult to update. An encyclopedia entry contains the same kinds of information as in a conventional survey, but an encyclopedia entry is much shorter and is much easier for readers to absorb and for editors to update. Furthermore, an algorithmic area is surveyed by a collection of entries which together provide a considerable amount of up-to-date information about the area, while the writing and updating of the entries is distributed among multiple authors to speed up the work.​

Dear Zidaan

I have this encyclopedia and it contains 1199 pages

Please find it in this link

Kind regards
Jazaka ALLAHOU kolla khayr
أخي الفاضل انزلت الموسوعة ووجدتها 1200 صفحة بارك الله فيك على هدا التنويه
شكرا اخي الغالي زيدان
موضوع ايضا متفرد
بارك الله فيك
أخوتي زيدان و kharmed حاولت تحميل ولكن عندما ظهر الموقع shared طالب مني أن إدخال كلمة مرور للوصول لهذا الملف
ممكن كلمة المرور جزاكم الله خيرا