Chemical Migration and Food Contact Materials by Karen A. Barnes
Chemical Migration and Food Contact Materials by Karen A. Barnes
Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (January 4, 2007) | ISBN: 084939130X | Pages: 464 | PDF | 4.1 MB
Food and beverages can be very aggressive chemical milieu and may interact strongly with materials that they touch. Whenever food is placed in contact with another substance, there is a risk that chemicals from the contact material may migrate into the food. These chemicals may be harmful if ingested in large quantities, or impart a taint or odour to the food, negatively affecting food quality. Food packaging is the most obvious example of a food contact material. As the demand for pre-packaged foods increases, so might the potential risk to consumers from the release of chemicals into the food product. Chemical Migration and Food Contact Materials reviews the latest controls and research in this field and how they can be used to ensure that food is safe to eat.
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Chemical Migration and Food Contact Materials by Karen A. Barnes
Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (January 4, 2007) | ISBN: 084939130X | Pages: 464 | PDF | 4.1 MB
Food and beverages can be very aggressive chemical milieu and may interact strongly with materials that they touch. Whenever food is placed in contact with another substance, there is a risk that chemicals from the contact material may migrate into the food. These chemicals may be harmful if ingested in large quantities, or impart a taint or odour to the food, negatively affecting food quality. Food packaging is the most obvious example of a food contact material. As the demand for pre-packaged foods increases, so might the potential risk to consumers from the release of chemicals into the food product. Chemical Migration and Food Contact Materials reviews the latest controls and research in this field and how they can be used to ensure that food is safe to eat.
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