Maths for Chemists: Volumes 1 +2
COCKETT M, G. Doggett

The two volumes of "Maths for Chemists" provide a resource for all undergraduate chemistry students and are particularly focused on the needs of students who may not have studied mathematics beyond GCSE level (or equivalent). The texts are introductory in nature and adopt a sympathetic approach for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course. The early chapters of the text provide a succinct introduction to the important mathematical skills of algebraic manipulation, trigonometry, numbers, functions, units and the general grammar of maths. Later chapters build on these basic mathematical principles as a foundation for the development of differential and integral calculus. In spite of the introductory nature of this volume, some of the more important mathematical tools required in quantum chemistry are deliberately included, through a gradual introduction to, and development of, the concept of the eigenvalue problem
Volume 1
Volume 2
Mathematics for Physical Chemistry
Robert G. Mortimer
Maths for Chemists: Volumes 1 +2
COCKETT M, G. Doggett

The two volumes of "Maths for Chemists" provide a resource for all undergraduate chemistry students and are particularly focused on the needs of students who may not have studied mathematics beyond GCSE level (or equivalent). The texts are introductory in nature and adopt a sympathetic approach for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course. The early chapters of the text provide a succinct introduction to the important mathematical skills of algebraic manipulation, trigonometry, numbers, functions, units and the general grammar of maths. Later chapters build on these basic mathematical principles as a foundation for the development of differential and integral calculus. In spite of the introductory nature of this volume, some of the more important mathematical tools required in quantum chemistry are deliberately included, through a gradual introduction to, and development of, the concept of the eigenvalue problem
Volume 1
Volume 2
Mathematics for Physical Chemistry
Robert G. Mortimer

Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, Third Edition, is the ideal text for students and physical chemists who want to sharpen their mathematics skills. It can help prepare the reader for an undergraduate course, serve as a supplementary text for use during a course, or serve as a reference for graduate students and practicing chemists. The text concentrates on applications instead of theory, and, although the emphasis is on physical chemistry, it can also be useful in general chemistry courses.
The Third Edition includes new exercises in each chapter that provide practice in a technique immediately after discussion or example and encourage self-study. The first ten chapters are constructed around a sequence of mathematical topics, with a gradual progression into more advanced material. The final chapter discusses mathematical topics needed in the analysis of experimental data.
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Mathematics for Chemistry & Physics
George Turrell

Chemistry and physics share a common mathematical foundation. From elementary calculus to vector analysis and group theory, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics aims to provide a comprehensive reference for students and researchers pursuing these scientific fields. The book is based on the authors many classroom experience.
Designed as a reference text, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics will prove beneficial for students at all university levels in chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, and theoretical biology. Although this book is not computer-based, many references to current applications are included, providing the background to what goes on "behind the screen" in computer experiments.
Mathematical Problems for Chemistry Students
Gyorgy Pota

Mathematical Problems for Chemistry Students has been compiled and written (a) to help chemistry students in their mathematical studies by providing them with mathematical problems really occurring in chemistry (b) to help practicing chemists to activate their applied mathematical skills and (c) to introduce students and specialists of the chemistry-related fields (physicists, mathematicians, biologists, etc.) into the world of the chemical applications.
Some problems of the collection are mathematical reformulations of those in the standard textbooks of chemistry; others were taken from theoretical chemistry journals. All major fields of chemistry are covered, and each problem is given a solution.
This problem collection is intended for beginners and users at an intermediate level. It can be used as a companion to virtually all textbooks dealing with scientific and engineering mathematics or specifically mathematics for chemists.
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Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry
3rd Edition
James R. Barrante
Unique in its approach, content, and perspective, this book helps readers bridge the application gap between mathematics and chemistry and to acquire a fuller set of mathematical tools necessary for such applications. Using an abundance of fully-worked examples, it shows step-by-step how to directly apply mathematics to physical chemistry problems. It features numerous problems, many multi-part, that use the symbolism found in standard physical chemistry books or involve actual physical chemistry equations. It offers full-chapter coverage of many important topics relegated to appendices in other books. It also provides a full chapter on numerical methods and computer programming showing step-by-step how to write programs to do numerical integration, and covers areas of advanced mathematics — e.g., differential equations and operator mechanics.
رابط التحميل
Biochemical Calculations: How to Solve Mathematical Problems in General
The Third Edition includes new exercises in each chapter that provide practice in a technique immediately after discussion or example and encourage self-study. The first ten chapters are constructed around a sequence of mathematical topics, with a gradual progression into more advanced material. The final chapter discusses mathematical topics needed in the analysis of experimental data.
رابط التحميل
Mathematics for Chemistry & Physics
George Turrell

Chemistry and physics share a common mathematical foundation. From elementary calculus to vector analysis and group theory, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics aims to provide a comprehensive reference for students and researchers pursuing these scientific fields. The book is based on the authors many classroom experience.
Designed as a reference text, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics will prove beneficial for students at all university levels in chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, and theoretical biology. Although this book is not computer-based, many references to current applications are included, providing the background to what goes on "behind the screen" in computer experiments.
Mathematical Problems for Chemistry Students
Gyorgy Pota

Mathematical Problems for Chemistry Students has been compiled and written (a) to help chemistry students in their mathematical studies by providing them with mathematical problems really occurring in chemistry (b) to help practicing chemists to activate their applied mathematical skills and (c) to introduce students and specialists of the chemistry-related fields (physicists, mathematicians, biologists, etc.) into the world of the chemical applications.
Some problems of the collection are mathematical reformulations of those in the standard textbooks of chemistry; others were taken from theoretical chemistry journals. All major fields of chemistry are covered, and each problem is given a solution.
This problem collection is intended for beginners and users at an intermediate level. It can be used as a companion to virtually all textbooks dealing with scientific and engineering mathematics or specifically mathematics for chemists.
رابط التحميل
Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry
3rd Edition
James R. Barrante

Unique in its approach, content, and perspective, this book helps readers bridge the application gap between mathematics and chemistry and to acquire a fuller set of mathematical tools necessary for such applications. Using an abundance of fully-worked examples, it shows step-by-step how to directly apply mathematics to physical chemistry problems. It features numerous problems, many multi-part, that use the symbolism found in standard physical chemistry books or involve actual physical chemistry equations. It offers full-chapter coverage of many important topics relegated to appendices in other books. It also provides a full chapter on numerical methods and computer programming showing step-by-step how to write programs to do numerical integration, and covers areas of advanced mathematics — e.g., differential equations and operator mechanics.
رابط التحميل
Biochemical Calculations: How to Solve Mathematical Problems in General

Designed to supplement and complement any standard biochemistry text or lecture notes, this book helps provide a balanced picture of modern biochemistry by use of elementary mathematics in understanding properties and behavior of biological molecules. It provides a balanced picture of modern biochemistry by using elementary mathematics to explore the properties and behavior of biological molecules.
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Geometry of Chemical Graphs: Polycycles and Two-faced Maps
Michel Deza, Mathieu Dutour Sikiric
Polycycles and symmetric polyhedra appear as generalizations of graphs in the modeling of molecular structures, such as the Nobel Prize winning fullerenes, occurring in chemistry and crystallography. The chemistry has inspired and informed many interesting questions in mathematics and computer science, which in turn have suggested directions for synthesis of molecules. Here the authors give access to new results in the theory of polycycles and two-faced maps together with the relevant background material and mathematical tools for their study. Organized so that, after reading the introductory chapter, each chapter can be read independently from the others, the book should be accessible to researchers and students in graph theory, discrete geometry, and combinatorics, as well as to those in more applied areas such as mathematical chemistry and crystallography. Many of the results in the subject require the use of computer enumeration; the corresponding programs are available from the author's website.رابط التحميل
Geometry of Chemical Graphs: Polycycles and Two-faced Maps
Michel Deza, Mathieu Dutour Sikiric

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Mathematical Challenges from Theoretical/Computational Chemistry
Computational methods are rapidly becoming major tools of theoretical, pharmaceutical, materials, and biological chemists. Accordingly, the mathematical models and numerical analysis that underlie these methods have an increasingly important and direct role to play in the progress of many areas of chemistry. This book explores the research interface between computational chemistry and the mathematical sciences. In language that is aimed at non-specialists, it documents some prominent examples of past successful cross-fertilizations between the fields and explores the mathematical research opportunities in a broad cross-section of chemical research frontiers. It also discusses cultural differences between the two fields and makes recommendations for overcoming those differences and generally promoting this interdisciplinary work.
رابط التحميل
Entropy and Energy: A Universal Competition
Ingo Müller, Wolf Weiss
Entropy and Energy is a student textbook as well as a scientific monograph. It provides a very readable introduction to thermodynamics and the concept of entropy and energy. It gives instructive examples from elementary thermodynamics and physico-chemistry and extrapolates the notion to non-standard thermodynamic subjects like shape memory, dissipation of the earth's atmosphere, and sociology. The works of the thermodynamic pioneers are presented, in particular Clausius, Caratheodory, Boltzmann, Gibbs, and Planck. The laws of thermodynamics and their limitations are discussed; also the pertinacious Gibbs paradox. The accompanying CD provides instructive visualizations of the entropy-elastic spring and of phase transitions in fluids and shape memory alloys. The reader has numerous possibilities to influence the programs and thus develop an understanding for the thermodynamic principles[hide][hide]
Mathematical Challenges from Theoretical/Computational Chemistry

Computational methods are rapidly becoming major tools of theoretical, pharmaceutical, materials, and biological chemists. Accordingly, the mathematical models and numerical analysis that underlie these methods have an increasingly important and direct role to play in the progress of many areas of chemistry. This book explores the research interface between computational chemistry and the mathematical sciences. In language that is aimed at non-specialists, it documents some prominent examples of past successful cross-fertilizations between the fields and explores the mathematical research opportunities in a broad cross-section of chemical research frontiers. It also discusses cultural differences between the two fields and makes recommendations for overcoming those differences and generally promoting this interdisciplinary work.
رابط التحميل
Entropy and Energy: A Universal Competition
Ingo Müller, Wolf Weiss

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Chemical Graph Theory: Reactivity and Kinetics
Danail Bonchev
Chemical Graph Theory: Reactivity and Kinetics
Danail Bonchev

This volume is concerned with applications of graph theory to the study of chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms. Methods of handling kinetic data are explained with emphasis on the derivation of rate laws and related problems. Graph-based classification and coding of reaction mechanisms along with approaches for determining their complexity are described, providing researchers with a useful tool in their search for new reaction mechanisms. The operator set approach to the structural and dynamic interrelations between chemical species is presented as a methodology for discovering new selection and prohibition rules. Also discussed are the reaction lattice technique and its application to aromaticity and pericyclic reactions, and the DARC/PELCO method, a topological tool for QSAR searching
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When Topology Meets Chemistry
Erica Flapan
In this superb topology text, the readers not only learn about knot theory, 3-dimensional manifolds, and the topology of embedded graphs, but also their role in understanding molecular structures. Most results described in the text are motivated by the questions of chemists or molecular biologists, though they often go beyond answering the original question asked. No specific mathematical or chemical prerequisites are required. The text is enhanced by nearly 200 illustrations and 100 exercises. With this fascinating book, undergraduate mathematics students escape the world of pure abstract theory and enter that of real molecules, while chemists and biologists find simple and clear but rigorous definitions of mathematical concepts they handle intuitively in their work.[hide]رابط التحميل
When Topology Meets Chemistry
Erica Flapan

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