كيمياء حيوية كتاب جميل جدا Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry


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Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry


  • Hardcover: 1100 pages
  • Publisher: W. H. Freeman; Fourth Edition edition April 23, 2004
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0716743396
  • ISBN-13: 978-0716743392
  • Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.6 x 1.7 inches

[FONT=verdana,geneva] The Lehnninger text has a long history, but given that biochemical knowledge doubles every 5 years or so, it matters what a text offers now, not in the past. The writing style is simple, direct, engaging, not too easy but neither too esoteric. The principles (as the title suggests) and the unity in diversity are emphasized, so that the student understands biochemical principles not merely facts, acronyms, pathways. The graphics are very professional. They are comparable to any review article in hot journals such as Nature, Science, Cell, etc. The rendering of protein surfaces, and the different angles through which a structure is seen is outstanding (a good example is the section on the ribosomes). The structures have been rendered from the PDB (protein data bank) coordinates. Most are rendered in the ribbon representation, but in many cases the surface is rendered in gray, depending on the level of detail. Contrast this with the 3rd edition of Voet: the authors have not bothered to re-render their graphics, most are identical to the 1995 edition, a time when people only cared if you could generate a structure. Voet's graphics are not done uniformly; the backgrounds can be white, gray, black, some structures are taken directly from the original literature and vary widely in the format and rendering. It is not enough that Voet updated the text on biochemical developments from 1995-2004. The Lehninger pages on the most important protein folds, for example, are very helpful in giving the student a feel for the fold, the domain composition, the size, and names of model proteins one is expected to encounter over and again in the research literature. But pretty pictures are not the only thing that sets Lehninger apart from the rest. The material is distilled such that almost the same amount of information is contained in this text, even though Voet is 50% bigger. There can be no such text as "Advanced Biochemistry" for grad students etc. -- if one is looking for that sort of thing, then one should purchase a life sciences encyclopedia. For undergraduates, any text is bound to be a bit overwhelming, but Lehninger is clear enough that the above average student should assimilate the material preparing for an exam without too much confusion or difficulty. I also like the typesetting in Lehninger much better than Voet, which again, uses the same boring format as the 2nd 1995 edition. The quality of paper is good in both texts. Lehninger's text feels like the space is utilized well, whereas Voet's space is a bit overcrowded, though strangely, some of the Voet structures are too large, and take up too much space. Lehninger encompasses all the new developments up to 2004: RNAi, genomes, new facts on controversial enzyme mechanisms etc. Speaking of enzyme mechanism, both texts do a good job in deriving the Michaelis-Menten equation step by step rather than simply saying something like "through trivial algebra eqn 34 transforms into 45". The literature reference section of Lehninger is one of the best parts of the text: the references are a mixture of classic, outstanding work, and recent review materials, which should guide the more curious student to navigate the overwhelming amount of information in modern biochemistry and molecular biology. I loved the numerous photos of key players in biochemistry. For example, Francis Crick is shown as a young man when the text refers to the model for DNA, and as a middle aged man in another chapter. The historical emphasis is well placed. The "working in biochemistry" boxes are similarly relevant and well placed. I only wish the current authors had added a brief sketch of Albert Lehninger. In fact, they do not mention the history of the text, which is a little strange. The text contains brief solutions to all the end-of-chapter problems so the solutions manual (unfortunately titled "The Absolute, Ultimate Guide...") is not really necessary for the good student.







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سنترك الموضوع هذه المرة بحجة إختلاف الروابط :)


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بارك الله فيكم أخي العزيز لمجهودكم الطيب 0....

بس لي رجاء بإستخدام خاصية البحث أعلى الصفحة عند إضافة موضوع جديد خاصة إذا كان الكتاب قديم لأن هذا الموضوع مكرر في أكثر من مكان ؟
سنترك الموضوع هذه المرة بحجة إختلاف الروابط :)



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