Principles of Chemical Kinetics
Principles of Chemical Kinetics
By James E. House
Publisher: Academic Press
Number of Pages: 336
Publication Date: 2007-08-15
Book Description:
James House's revised Principles of Chemical Kinetics provides a clear and logical description of chemical kinetics in a manner unlike any other book of its kind. Clearly written with detailed derivations, the text allows students to move rapidly from theoretical concepts of rates of reaction to concrete applications.
Unlike other texts, House presents a balanced treatment of kinetic reactions in gas, solution, and solid states. The entire text has been revised and includes many new sections and an additional chapter on applications of kinetics. The topics covered include quantitative relationships between molecular structure and chemical activity, organic/inorganic chemistry, biochemical kinetics, surface kinetics and reaction mechanisms. Chapters also include new problems, with answers to selected questions, to test the reader's understanding of each area. A solutions manual with answers to all questions is available for instructors.
A useful text for both students and interested readers alike, Dr. House has once again written a comprehensive text simply explaining an otherwise complicated subject.
Provides an introduction to all the major areas of kinetics and demonstrates the use of these concepts in real life applications
Detailed derivations of formula are shown to help students with a limited background in mathematics
Presents a balanced treatment of kinetics of reactions in gas phase, solutions and solids
Solutions manual available for instructors
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Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms
Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms
By James H. Espenson
Publisher McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
Number of Pages: 281
Publication Date: 1995-03-01
Book Descreption
This book covers chemical kinetics from the working chemists' point of view. Competing books present a more theoretical presentation of kinetics. This book is a "how to" book for designing experiments, analyzing, and critiquing them. Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms also prepares chemists to devise experiments to test different hypotheses. A diskette that helps students solve end-of-chapter problems is packaged with each text.
The old edition
Physical Chemistry: Kinetics
Physical Chemistry: Kinetics
By Horia Metiu
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication Date: 2006-02-21
Product Description:
This is a new undergraduate textbook on physical chemistry by Horia Metiu published as four separate paperback volumes. These four volumes on physical chemistry combine a clear and thorough presentation of the theoretical and mathematical aspects of the subject with examples and applications drawn from current industrial and academic research. By using the computer to solve problems that include actual experimental data, the author is able to cover the subject matter at a practical level. The books closely integrate the theoretical chemistry being taught with industrial and laboratory practice. This approach enables the student to compare theoretical projections with experimental results, thereby providing a realistic grounding for future practicing chemists and engineers. Each volume of Physical Chemistry includes MathematicaRG and MathcadRG Workbooks on CD-ROM.
Metiu's four separate volumes-Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Kinetics, and Quantum Mechanics-offer built-in flexibility by allowing the subject to be covered in any order.
Chemical Kinetics and Mechanism
Chemical Kinetics and Mechanism
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Number of Pages 250
Publication Date 2002-08-12
Product Description
Chemical Kinetics and Mechanism considers the role of rate of reaction. It begins by introducing chemical kinetics and the analysis of reaction mechanism, from basic well-established concepts to leading edge research. Organic reaction mechanisms are then discussed, encompassing curly arrows, nucleophilic substitution and E1 and E2 elimination reactions. The book concludes with a Case Study on Zeolites, which examines their structure and internal dimensions in relation to their behaviour as molecular sieves and catalysts. The Molecular World series provides an integrated introduction to all branches of chemistry for both students wishing to specialise and those wishing to gain a broad understanding of chemistry and its relevance to the everyday world and to other areas of science.
Reaction Kinetics (Oxford Science Publications)
Reaction Kinetics (Oxford Science Publications)
By Michael J. Pilling, Paul W. Seakins
Reaction Kinetics
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Product Description:
Reaction kinetics is central to the study of chemistry. Kinetic studies can provide both an insight into the detailed molecular mechanisms of elementary reactions and practical information which can be used to unravel complex chemical problems such as the formation of the ozone hole. This modern, accessible text begins with an introduction to the importance and relevance of chemical kinetics, and then describes and explains the experimental and theoretical studies of elementary reactions. The applications of kinetics to complex phenomena such as chain reactions and photochemistry are then described, emphasizing how these systems are built up of individual elementary reactions. Examples from the fields of chain reactions, atmospheric chemistry, explosions, oscillating reactions, and photochemistry are then explored in greater detail. Worked examples and problems throughout the text allow students to obtain a detailed understanding of the field. Boxed inserts explain advanced topics more clearly.
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Chemical Kinetics: The Study of Reaction Rates in Solution
Chemical Kinetics: The Study of Reaction Rates in Solution
By Kenneth A. Connors
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number of Pages: 496
Publication Date: 1990-08-15
Book Description:
Chemical Kinetics The Study of Reaction Rates in Solution Kenneth A. Connors This chemical kinetics book blends physical theory, phenomenology and empiricism to provide a guide to the experimental practice and interpretation of reaction kinetics in solution. It is suitable for courses in chemical kinetics at the graduate and advanced undergraduate levels. This book will appeal to students in physical organic chemistry, physical inorganic chemistry, biophysical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and water chemistry—all fields concerned with the rates of chemical reactions in the solution phase.
Enzyme Kinetics: Principles and Methods
Enzyme Kinetics: Principles and Methods
By Hans Bisswanger
Publisher Wiley-VCH
Number of Pages: 320
Publication Date2008-05-23
Product Description:
This new, expanded and updated edition of the user-friendly and comprehensive treatise on enzyme kinetics expertly balances theory and practice. With its easy-to-use program on CD-ROM containing examples allowing for the interpretation of experimental data, this is an indispensable aid for advanced students and professionals working with enzymes, whether biochemists, biotechnologists, chemical biologists, pharmacologists or bioengineers in academia, industry and clinical research
The old edition
Enzyme Kinetics : A Modern Approach
By Alejandro G. Marangoni
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Publication Date: 2002-11-15
Book Description:
Practical Enzyme Kinetics provides a practical how-to guide for beginning students, technicians, and non-specialists for evaluating enzyme kinetics using common software packages to perform easy enzymatic analyses.
Thermodynamics and Kinetics for the Biological Sciences
Thermodynamics and Kinetics for the Biological Sciences
By Cordon Hannes
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Number of Pages: 192
Publication Date: 2003-09-04
Gain a working knowledge of thermodynamics and kinetics with a minimum of mathematics-a guide for individuals in the biological sciences
An understanding of thermodynamics and kinetics is essential for researchers investigating molecular phenomena in diverse disciplines, including bioorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, and biology. The use of these physical chemistry tools in the biological sciences has exploded over the past fifteen years, but the majority of works on thermodynamics and kinetics require mathematical expertise beyond that of many researchers in the field. Presenting a highly accessible introduction to thermodynamics and kinetics, Thermodynamics and Kinetics for the Biological Sciences employs a minimum of mathematics, assuming only a basic calculus background, while treating a wide range of topics in a logical and easy-to-follow style. All principles and concepts are clearly illustrated through the use of relevant applications and examples from the biological sciences, and explanations are further enhanced with problems and up-to-date references. Written by a world-renowned authority on biochemical kinetics, this remarkable book also features an easy-to-understand statistical development of entropy and a more extensive coverage of chemical kinetics and ligand binding to macromolecules than is usually found in books of this kind. Readers will acquire a working knowledge of thermodynamics and kinetics that they can readily apply to biological systems and use for exploring the scientific literature.
Chemical Kinetics: Fundamentals and Recent Developments
Chemical Kinetics: Fundamentals and Recent Developments
By Evgeny Denisov, Oleg Sarkisov, G. I. Likhtenshtein,
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 566
Publication Date 2003-05-23
Book Description:
Comprehensive manual embracing essentially all the classical and modern areas of chemical kinetics. Provides details of modern applications in chemistry, technology and biochemistry.
Special sections of the book treat subjects not covered sufficiently in other manuals, including: modern methods of experimental determination of rate constants of reactions including laser pico- and femtochemistry, magnetochemistry, and ESR; and descriptions of advanced theories of elementary chemical processes.
Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics
Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics
By: Santosh K. Upadhyay
Publisher: Springer
Number of Pages: 256
Publication Date: 2006-12
Book Description
This book wisely begins with elementary topics, then develops a broad overview of experimental kinetics and its theoretical basis, considers reactions in gas phase and solution, and concludes with more advanced discussion of reaction dynamics, including molecular beams and state-to state kinetics. a ] The overall presentation is sound and quite suitable for upper-division undergraduates in the US. There are 84 suggested readings at the end of the book. a ] Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates; graduate students
Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions
Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions
By M. Albert Vannice,
Publisher Springer
Number of Pages: 240
Solution manual for the book
Introduction to Chemical Kinetics
Introduction to Chemical Kinetics
By: Margaret Wright
Publisher Wiley
Publication Date: 2004-04
Book Description
The range of courses requiring a good basic understanding of chemical kinetics is extensive, ranging from chemical engineers and pharmacists to biochemists and providing the fundamentals in chemistry. Due to the wide reaching nature of the subject readers often struggle to find a book which provides in-depth, comprehensive information without focusing on one specific subject too heavily.
Here Dr Margaret Wright provides an essential introduction to the subject guiding the reader through the basics but then going on to provide a reference which professionals will continue to dip in to through their careers. Through extensive worked examples, Dr Wright, presents the theories as to why and how reactions occur, before examining the physical and chemical requirements for a reaction and the factors which can influence these.
Experimental Methods in Kinetic Studies, 2nd Edition
Experimental Methods in Kinetic Studies, 2nd Edition
By: Bohdan Wojciechowski and Norman Rice
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number of Pages: 322
Publication Date: 2003-02-01
This book is a guide to kinetic studies of reaction mechanisms. It reviews conventional reactor types and data collection methods, and introduces a new methodology for data collection using Temperature Scanning Reactors (TSR). It provides a theoretical and practical approach to temperature scanning (TS) methodology and supports a revival of kinetic studies as a useful approach to the fundamental understanding of chemical reaction mechanisms and the consequential reaction kinetics.
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Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms
Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms
By: KB Taylor
Publisher: Springer
Number of Pages: 244
Publication Date: 1899-12-31
Book Description
Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms takes the reader through the experimental techniques and the logic by which the mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions can be elucidated by the results of steady-state kinetics and related experiments. It is meant to make these investigations both satisfying and effective. In distinction to other available descriptions, the descriptions in enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms are limited to more commonly utilized and useful models and techniques. The logic relating the chemical models to the mathematical models and the logic of relating the mathematical models to data is presented in rather concise text, figures and equations. The development of mathematical models from chemical models is done by a unique algorithm that is both simple and quick, and the same concept are utilized to develop models for the effects of a variety of reaction conditions on the initial velocity. In addition, the various relationships of data, mathematical models and the chemical models is illustrated with examples from the scientific literature. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms is intended for research workers, graduate students, post doctoral associates, and faculty in biochemistry and molecular biology who are interested in the techniques and logic by which mechanisms of enzymes-catalyzed reactions can be elucidated by investigation of steady-state kinetic experiments