الجبر كتاب : Representations and Characters of Groups by Gordon James


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Representations and Characters of Groups by Gordon James​

Representations and Characters of Groups by Gordon James
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (November 15, 2001) | ISBN: 052100392X | Pages: 458 | PDF | 21 MB​

"... a delightful text, which could be used in a graduate or undergraduate applied mathematics course or to supplement a physics or chemistry course on applications of finite group theory. It is primarily concerned with group algebra and matrix representations which is really what group theory in physics is all about... one can read this book; it is usually not necessary to decipher it. Many of the problems are very challenging, but 52 pages of detailed solutions are given at the end of the book... as a problem source and a supplemental reference on the mathematical details of finite group representations, it is definitely an excellent choice."​
