مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Physical Therapy in Sport (November 2004, Volume 5, Issue 4)
Phys Ther Sport
Published: Elsevier
ISSN: 1466-853X.
Physical Therapy in Sport aims to provide a forum for the publication of material that is indispensable for the day-to-day practices and continuing professional development of all healthcare professionals involved in sports medicine. The journal covers topics relevant to the multidisciplinary team dealing with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injury in the physically active. Regular features include original papers, review articles, case studies, book reviews, student submissions, clinical tips and reports from conferences of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine. Papers are peer-reviewed by an international advisory board and submissions from a broad range of disciplines are actively encouraged. Physical Therapy in Sport is the official publication of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine and the APA Sports Physiotherapy Group. Adoption of the journal by other professional groups world-wide is welcomed.
Table of Contents
1) Femoral diaphyseal stress fractures: results of a systematic bone scan and magnetic resonance imaging evaluation in 25 runners
2) The effect of a netball game on parameters of balance
3) Erratum to “A users guide to outcome measurement following ACL reconstruction” [Physical Therapy in Sport 5 (2004) 57–67 (2004) 57–67] free full text
4) Diary Dates
5) Reviewer thanks
6) Lee Nobes
7) The rehabilitation of two patients with functionally unstable ACL deficient knees: a case report
8) The relationship between hamstring muscle injuries and hamstring muscle length in young elite footballers
9) Write for us! Right for you? Writing for Physical Therapy in Sport
10) Are we making the most of supplements?
11) Sports physiotherapy for all (SPA project)
12) The effect of essential fatty acids and antioxidants combined with physiotherapy treatment in recreational athletes with chronic tendon disorders: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
13) Author Index
14) Keyword Index
Phys Ther Sport
Published: Elsevier
ISSN: 1466-853X.
Physical Therapy in Sport aims to provide a forum for the publication of material that is indispensable for the day-to-day practices and continuing professional development of all healthcare professionals involved in sports medicine. The journal covers topics relevant to the multidisciplinary team dealing with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injury in the physically active. Regular features include original papers, review articles, case studies, book reviews, student submissions, clinical tips and reports from conferences of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine. Papers are peer-reviewed by an international advisory board and submissions from a broad range of disciplines are actively encouraged. Physical Therapy in Sport is the official publication of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine and the APA Sports Physiotherapy Group. Adoption of the journal by other professional groups world-wide is welcomed.
Table of Contents
1) Femoral diaphyseal stress fractures: results of a systematic bone scan and magnetic resonance imaging evaluation in 25 runners
2) The effect of a netball game on parameters of balance
3) Erratum to “A users guide to outcome measurement following ACL reconstruction” [Physical Therapy in Sport 5 (2004) 57–67 (2004) 57–67] free full text
4) Diary Dates
5) Reviewer thanks
6) Lee Nobes
7) The rehabilitation of two patients with functionally unstable ACL deficient knees: a case report
8) The relationship between hamstring muscle injuries and hamstring muscle length in young elite footballers
9) Write for us! Right for you? Writing for Physical Therapy in Sport
10) Are we making the most of supplements?
11) Sports physiotherapy for all (SPA project)
12) The effect of essential fatty acids and antioxidants combined with physiotherapy treatment in recreational athletes with chronic tendon disorders: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
13) Author Index
14) Keyword Index