Group Theory in Physics: Problems and Solutions

Group Theory in Physics: Problems and Solutions
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company | ISBN: 9810204868 | edition 1991 | PDF | 150 pages | 12,9 mb
Presents an introduction to group theory and its applications in physics. This book contains many examples that illustrate the topics. It covers Finite groups, Lie groups, Lie algebras, semi-simple Lie algebras, crystallographic point groups and crystallographic space groups, electronic energy bands in solids, quantum mechanics, and more.

Group Theory in Physics: Problems and Solutions
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company | ISBN: 9810204868 | edition 1991 | PDF | 150 pages | 12,9 mb
Presents an introduction to group theory and its applications in physics. This book contains many examples that illustrate the topics. It covers Finite groups, Lie groups, Lie algebras, semi-simple Lie algebras, crystallographic point groups and crystallographic space groups, electronic energy bands in solids, quantum mechanics, and more.