العلاج الطبيعي Life on Wheels: The A to Z Guide to Living Fully with Mobility Issues


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Life on Wheels: The A to Z Guide to Living Fully with Mobility Issues

By Gary Karp


Product Description:

There are 1.7 million regular wheelchair users in the United States. Disability awareness and advocacy is extending throughout the world, as people choose to be active and independent. Technology is advancing, attitudes are changing, government regulations have been enacted, and as a result, things that were thought impossible for those in wheelchairs only ten years ago are possible today. Life on Wheels offers wheelchair users a road map to living life to the fullest. It helps them make adjustments sooner and more completely by explaining how to adapt to disability and addressing misconceptions that delay the ability to adapt. Packed with practical advice on a wide range of topics, including modifying the home, choosing a wheelchair, and exploring one’s sexuality, this essential guide helps wheelchair users live active, independent lives.

password: gigle.ws

