الرجاء المساعدة في تزويدي بالابحاث التالية ولكم جزيل الشكر والامتنان
The Relationship between the Five-Factor Model of
Personality and the California Psychological Inventory
Correlation of the Self-Actualizing Value Subscale of the Personal Orientation Inventory with the Self-Acceptance, Socialization, and Self-Control Scales of the California Psychological Inventory
Intercorrelations among the Slosson Intelligence Test, the Shipley-Institute of Living Scale, and the Intellectual Efficiency Scale of the California Psychological Inventory
The Relationship between the Five-Factor Model of
Personality and the California Psychological Inventory
Correlation of the Self-Actualizing Value Subscale of the Personal Orientation Inventory with the Self-Acceptance, Socialization, and Self-Control Scales of the California Psychological Inventory
Intercorrelations among the Slosson Intelligence Test, the Shipley-Institute of Living Scale, and the Intellectual Efficiency Scale of the California Psychological Inventory