العلاج الطبيعي Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndrome

mohamad asaad

مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes

Shirley Sahrmann PT PhD FAPTA, "Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes"
Mosby | 2001 | ISBN: 0801672058 | 384 pages | PDF | 76,8 MB

Authored by an acknowledged expert on muscle and movement imbalances, this well-illustrated book presents a classification system of mechanical pain syndrome that is designed to direct the exercise prescription and the correction of faulty movement patterns. The diagnostic categories, associated muscle and movement imbalances, recommendations for treatment, examination, exercise principles, specific corrective exercises, and modification of functional activities for case management are described in detail. This book is designed to give practitioners an organized and structured method of analyzing the mechanical cause of movement impairment syndrome, the contributing factors and a strategy for management.

Summary: Excellent, but..
Rating: 5

This is a great book. The way it is arranged and the information presented is all excellent. If you are interested in a book that will help you diagnose your clients movement problems this may be perfect for you. As a massage therapist however I was slightly put out that there were no manual treatment options discussed for each impairment. Exercise and postural correction are the treatment of choice in this book. A body worker should be able to add their own expertise to the exercises and life style changes and come up with a great combination of manual treatment with things the client can do on their own.

Summary: Putting it all together
Rating: 5

I have been a physio for over 25 years and this text really puts it together and adds a lot of substance to the motor control theories. An excellent text..




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