برنامج : Golden Software Surfer 9.8.669


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برنامج Golden Software Surfer 9.8.669
هو من اهم البرامج الرسومية الثلاثية الابعاد والسطحية والثنائية البعد
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Golden Software Surfer 9.8.669

Golden Software Surfer 9.8.669
Win App | 41 MB | RS.COM

Surfer is a full-function 3D surface modeling package.
The sophisticated interpolation engine transforms your scattered XYZ data into publication-quality maps.

Surfer excels at creating contour, vector, shaded relief, image, post, 3D wireframe and 3D surface maps. Multiple maps can be overlaid to quickly identify trends in your data.

A powerful worksheet and extensive import capabilities make it easy to import your data. Additional utilities include volume calculations, smoothing, mosaicking, filtering, performing math calculations on or between surfaces, calculus calculations, and more. Surfer is used extensively for terrain modeling, landscape visualization, surface analysis, gridding, volumetrics, 2D map generation, and much, much more.

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