الرياضيات التطبيقية الكتاب المشهور / Differential Equations With Boundary-Value Problems


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Differential Equations With Boundary-Value Problems​

Dennis G. Zill, Michael R. Cullen "Differential Equations With Boundary-Value Problems"
Thomson Brooks/Cole | English | 1996-06-30 | ISBN: 0534955800 | 768 pages | DJVU | 18,7 MB​

This Fourth Edition of the expanded version of Zill's best-selling A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS places an even greater emphasis on modeling and the use of technology in problem solving and now features more everyday applications. Both Zill texts are identical through the first nine chapters, but this version includes six additional chapters that provide in-depth coverage of boundary-value problem-solving and partial differential equations, subjects just introduced in the shorter text. Previous editions of these two texts have enjoyed such great success in part because the authors pique students' interest with special features and in-text aids. Pre-publication reviewers also praise the authors' accessible writing style and the text's organization, which makes it easy to teach from and easy for students to understand and use. Understandable, step-by-step solutions are provided for every example. And this edition makes an even greater effort to show students how the mathematical concepts have relevant, everyday applications.​

Among the boundary-value related topics covered in this expanded text are: plane autonomous systems and stability; orthogonal functions; Fourier series; the Laplace transform; and elliptic, parabolic, and hyperparabolic partial differential equations, and their applications.​

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