Detection of Optical and Infrared Radiation (Springer Series in Optical Sciences)

Detection of Optical and Infrared Radiation«Springer Series in Optical Sciences»
By R. H. Kingston | Springer | ISBN: 354008617X| 1980-07-18 | PDF-OCR | 140 pages | 18,7 Mb
This text treats the fundamentals of optical and infrared detection in terms of the behavior of the radiation field, the physical properties of the detector, and the statistical behavior of the detector output. Both incoherent and coherent detection are treated in a unified manner, after which selected applications are analyzed, following an analysis of atmospheric effects and signal statistics. The material was developed during a one-semester course at M.I.T. in 1975, revised and presented again in 1976 at Lincoln Laboratory, and rewritten for publication in 1977

Detection of Optical and Infrared Radiation«Springer Series in Optical Sciences»
By R. H. Kingston | Springer | ISBN: 354008617X| 1980-07-18 | PDF-OCR | 140 pages | 18,7 Mb
This text treats the fundamentals of optical and infrared detection in terms of the behavior of the radiation field, the physical properties of the detector, and the statistical behavior of the detector output. Both incoherent and coherent detection are treated in a unified manner, after which selected applications are analyzed, following an analysis of atmospheric effects and signal statistics. The material was developed during a one-semester course at M.I.T. in 1975, revised and presented again in 1976 at Lincoln Laboratory, and rewritten for publication in 1977