العلاج الطبيعي Starting Strength


مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Starting Strength (1st edition)

By Mark Rippetoe


Book Description :
Starting Strength offers a unique approach to coaching barbell weight training and is written by experienced coaches and sports scientists who designed it specifically for training beginners. Learn how to effectively and safely coach the basic core lifts and their programming in an easy to do, step-by-step process. Featuring the most heavily illustrated exercise chapters in print, Starting Strength shows the reader not only how to teach the lifts, but how to recognize and correct the technique errors common to all novice lifters. The book includes sequential animations of each exercise performed correctly, along with practical interpretations of coaching theory, and the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of training. It will help prepare coaches and personal trainers to be more effective strength and conditioning professionals. From the Back Cover Starting Strength is a unique approach to coaching weight training, written by coaches and designed specifically for training beginners. Learn how to effectively and safely coach the basic core lifts and their programming in an easy to do, step-by-step process. Featuring the most heavily illustrated exercise chapters in print, Starting Strength shows the reader not only how to teach the lifts, but how to recognize and correct technique errors. The book features flip animations of each exercise performed correctly, along with practical interpretations of coaching theory, and the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of training. It will help prepare coaches and personal trainers to be more effective strength and conditioning professionals. "A new notch in the tradition of Texas strength training exposition, these authors not only know what they are writing about, they know how to write effectively to begin with." Mike Lambert, Editor, Powerlifting USA "Starting Strength is a precise tool to coach weightlifters at any level. It teaches proper form and the basic fundamentals that will allow for safe and immediate results in any training facility. It not only benefits the beginner, but it will reinforce the skills of the advanced weight trainee." Owen Kelly, M.D., Orthopaedic Surgeon, Nose Guard - University of Arkansas '89-'92 "This much needed text delivers in the area of how to teach and coach the basics of the core strength training exercises. It gives important deep insight into the fine points of technique in a manner that is easy to understand. It takes theory into practice step by step. It is a must read for anyone interested in high level performance." Bill Connor, Ed.D., University Physical Educator and Pedagogist, Head Football Coach - 30 years in High School and University Coaching "When it comes to teaching and developing strength and explosive power, this system is one of the best there is. If a coach uses discipline and hard work to get these teachings across, the results will be outstanding." Greg Henderson, Quarterback, Rice University '01-'04 "Starting Strength perfectly outlines a way for any coach, regardless of experience or lack thereof, to teach the fundamentals of properly executing a safe, yet highly effective strength program through the utilization of the basic barbell exercises. Give your program the most bang for the buck in the least amount of time. If you truly have a passion for maximizing your athlete's performance, this book is a must for any coach¡¦s library." Derek Alford, Offensive Coordinator - Garland High School, Quarterback/Coach - TUFL Champion Wichita Falls Drillers


Starting Strength (2nd edition)

By Mark Rippetoe, Lon Kilgore


Product Description:

Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training is the new expanded version of the book that has been called "the best and most useful of fitness books." It picks up where Starting Strength: A Simple and Practical Guide for Coaching Beginners leaves off. With all new graphics and more than 750 illustrations, a more detailed analysis of the five most important exercises in the weight room, and a new chapter dealing with the most important assistance exercises, Basic Barbell Training offers the most complete examination in print of the most effective way to exercise.

