Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review
by Sara J. Cuccurullo

The new edition of the only review book dedicated to the PM&R Boards is here. Course tested, widely used, and now completely updated throughout. The Second Edition of the bestselling Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review is a must-have for residents preparing for the ABPMR board exams, for practicing physiatrists preparing for recertification, and for students, instructors and clinicians at all levels. Developed in the residency training program in the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute, UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, this concisely organized text concentrates on board-related concepts. Written in outline format, with over 500 illustrations, the book provides a synopsis of the PM&R, orthopedic, neurologic, and general medical information candidates need to know to pass the boards. Board Pearls are highlighted throughout the text with an open-book icon to flag must-know information and assist with last-minute preparation. References to the key PM&R texts are included for further study.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review, Second Edition is essential reading for physicians preparing certification or recertification, and a valuable tool for managing patient care issues.
* Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review, Second Edition Uses Board pearls to highlight key concepts and stress clinical aspects of each topic making it easy to find and organize important information
* Models the table of contents after the topic selection of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPMR) Self-Directed Medical Knowledge Program used by residents nationwide.
رابط التحميل
by Sara J. Cuccurullo

The new edition of the only review book dedicated to the PM&R Boards is here. Course tested, widely used, and now completely updated throughout. The Second Edition of the bestselling Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review is a must-have for residents preparing for the ABPMR board exams, for practicing physiatrists preparing for recertification, and for students, instructors and clinicians at all levels. Developed in the residency training program in the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute, UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, this concisely organized text concentrates on board-related concepts. Written in outline format, with over 500 illustrations, the book provides a synopsis of the PM&R, orthopedic, neurologic, and general medical information candidates need to know to pass the boards. Board Pearls are highlighted throughout the text with an open-book icon to flag must-know information and assist with last-minute preparation. References to the key PM&R texts are included for further study.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review, Second Edition is essential reading for physicians preparing certification or recertification, and a valuable tool for managing patient care issues.
* Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review, Second Edition Uses Board pearls to highlight key concepts and stress clinical aspects of each topic making it easy to find and organize important information
* Models the table of contents after the topic selection of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPMR) Self-Directed Medical Knowledge Program used by residents nationwide.
رابط التحميل
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