Quantum Mathematical Physics: 2002

Quantum Mathematical Physics: Atoms, Molecules, and Large Systems
Springer | 2002 | ISBN: 3540430784 | 600 pages | DjVu @ 600 dpi | 6.5 MB
This book combines Vol. 3 (Quantum Mechanics of Atoms & Molecules) & Vol. 4 (Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems) of a famous textbook series for upper- and graduate-level mathematical physics. Now in an upgraded DjVu format [with clickable outline & searchable text, etc.], QMP in combination with the companion volume Classical Mathematical Physics comprises the entire four-volume Lehrbuch der mathematischen Physik begun over 30 years ago, in the latest English translation.
=== Part I === Quantum Mechanics of Atoms & Molecules 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 The Structure of Quantum Theory 3
1.2 Orders of Magnitude of Atomic Systems 5
2 Mathematical Formulation of QM 11
2.1 Linear Spaces 11
2.2 Algebras 23
2.3 Representations on Hilbert Space 40
2.4 One-Parameter Groups 55
2.5 Unbounded Operators & Quadratic Forms 68
3 Quantum Dynamics 85
3.1 The Weyl System 85
3.2 Angular Momentum 96
3.3 Time-Evolution 105
3.4 Limit as t --> Infinity 122
3.5 Perturbation Theory 141
3.6 Stationary Scattering Theory 162
4 Atomic Systems 185
4.1 The Hydrogen Atom 185
4.2 H Atom in an External Field 199
4.3 Helium-like Atoms 210
4.4 Scattering Theory of Simple Atoms 239
4.5 Complex Atoms 254
4.6 Nuclear Motion & Simple Molecules 266
=== PART II === Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems 281
1 Systems with Many Particles 283
1.1 Equilibrium & Irreversibility 283
1.2 Limit of Infinitely many Particles 293
1.3 Arbitrarily many Particles in Fock Space 302
1.4 Representations with N to Infinity 312
2 Thermostatics 327
2.1 Ordering of the States 327
2.2 Properties of Entropy 339
2.3 Microcanonical Ensemble 352
2.4 Canonical Ensemble 382
2.5 Grand Canonical Ensemble 396
3 Thermodynamics 423
3.1 Time-Evolution 423
3.2 The Equilibrium State 452
3.3 Stability and Passivity 470
3.4 Quantum Ergodic Theory 486
4 Physical Systems 501
4.1 Thomas-Fermi Theory 501
4.2 Cosmic Bodies 534
4.3 Normal Matter 548
Bibliography 569
Index 579
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Quantum Mathematical Physics: Atoms, Molecules, and Large Systems
Springer | 2002 | ISBN: 3540430784 | 600 pages | DjVu @ 600 dpi | 6.5 MB
This book combines Vol. 3 (Quantum Mechanics of Atoms & Molecules) & Vol. 4 (Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems) of a famous textbook series for upper- and graduate-level mathematical physics. Now in an upgraded DjVu format [with clickable outline & searchable text, etc.], QMP in combination with the companion volume Classical Mathematical Physics comprises the entire four-volume Lehrbuch der mathematischen Physik begun over 30 years ago, in the latest English translation.
=== Part I === Quantum Mechanics of Atoms & Molecules 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 The Structure of Quantum Theory 3
1.2 Orders of Magnitude of Atomic Systems 5
2 Mathematical Formulation of QM 11
2.1 Linear Spaces 11
2.2 Algebras 23
2.3 Representations on Hilbert Space 40
2.4 One-Parameter Groups 55
2.5 Unbounded Operators & Quadratic Forms 68
3 Quantum Dynamics 85
3.1 The Weyl System 85
3.2 Angular Momentum 96
3.3 Time-Evolution 105
3.4 Limit as t --> Infinity 122
3.5 Perturbation Theory 141
3.6 Stationary Scattering Theory 162
4 Atomic Systems 185
4.1 The Hydrogen Atom 185
4.2 H Atom in an External Field 199
4.3 Helium-like Atoms 210
4.4 Scattering Theory of Simple Atoms 239
4.5 Complex Atoms 254
4.6 Nuclear Motion & Simple Molecules 266
=== PART II === Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems 281
1 Systems with Many Particles 283
1.1 Equilibrium & Irreversibility 283
1.2 Limit of Infinitely many Particles 293
1.3 Arbitrarily many Particles in Fock Space 302
1.4 Representations with N to Infinity 312
2 Thermostatics 327
2.1 Ordering of the States 327
2.2 Properties of Entropy 339
2.3 Microcanonical Ensemble 352
2.4 Canonical Ensemble 382
2.5 Grand Canonical Ensemble 396
3 Thermodynamics 423
3.1 Time-Evolution 423
3.2 The Equilibrium State 452
3.3 Stability and Passivity 470
3.4 Quantum Ergodic Theory 486
4 Physical Systems 501
4.1 Thomas-Fermi Theory 501
4.2 Cosmic Bodies 534
4.3 Normal Matter 548
Bibliography 569
Index 579
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