العلاج الطبيعي Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology, 5th Edition

mohamad asaad

مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology, 5th Edition

Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology
Laura K. Smith, Elizabeth L. Weiss, L. Don Lehmkuhl | ISBN: 0803679165 | 5th Edition | PDF | 468 pages | 331 MB | Rapidshare

Description: This is the 5th edition of a well-respected textbook related to clinically oriented kinesiology. It is very thorough in its coverage of basic biomechanical principles, specific regional human biomechanics, gait, and movement pathologies. The main focus throughout is the clinical relevance of each area of discussion. The primary purpose is to provide the reader with a basic knowledge and appreciation of the complexities of human motion, including practical applications of this knowledge. This newest edition surpasses its objectives by providing additional information necessary to facilitate movement analysis from a clinical perspective. Physical therapy, physical therapy assistant, and occupational therapy students will benefit from this text in the kinesiology portion of the curriculum. The book can also serve as supplemental reading for evaluation courses related to musculoskeletal and neurological problems. The practicing clinician may find this book useful for patient education and as a review of a variety of patient conditions affecting normal biomechanics. Clear illustrations, frame by frame photographs, and EMG figures assist the reader with understanding and visualizing abstract concepts. An updated list of references is included at the end of the text. Laboratory sessions are provided, supporting the text with active learning opportunities. This new edition also provides information on joint end feels normal to each region. This 5th edition of Brunnstrom's original clinical kinesiology textbook is a welcome update including new information relevant to patient evaluation, clinically oriented biomechanics, end feel assessment, and observational tips. Although a chapter bychapter reference list is not provided, the updated bibliography is very thorough and useful. Practicing clinicians as well as the student learner will benefit from this new version.








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