الرياضيات التطبيقية كتاب : An Introductory Guide to SPSS® for Windows


اللؤلؤ المنثور
An Introductory Guide to SPSS® for Windows®

An Introductory Guide to SPSS® for Windows®
160 pages | Sage Publications, Inc; 2nd edition (March 10, 2005) | 1412904153 | PDF | 2 Mb

"I want to commend the author for including a chapter on using the SPSS manuals, I would not have thought of this addition, and the information helps the reader go on to learn the more complex components of SPSS."

"The book is a nice blend of written instructions and examples of using the SPSS programs. This book does not overwhelm the student or instructor and gives the most inexperienced user confidence about using SPSS and conducting data analysis. I absolutely love this type of book."

"[This book] . . . is an excellent additional tool to SPSS manual and tutorial on line. The written samples and instructions clearly help the students as well as the faculty members to enter and analyze the data."



