Practice Makes Perfect Italian Sentence Builder


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Practice Makes Perfect Italian Sentence Builder

Practice Makes Perfect Italian Sentence Builder (Practice Makes Perfect Series) By Paola Nanni-Tate
Publisher: McGraw-Hill 2009-09-28 | 176 Pages | ISBN: 0071600353 | PDF | 1.6 MB

Practice Makes Perfect helps you put your Italian vocabulary and grammar skills together!

You may have all the vocabulary down pat and every grammar point nailed--but without the skill of knowing how to put these elements together, communicating in your second language would be nearly impossible. Practice Makes Perfect: Italian Sentence Builders picks up from where other grammar books leave off, showing you the variety of structures and how to combine them to make solid sentences. And like every Practice Makes Perfect title, these books feature crystal-clear explanations, numerous realistic examples, and dozens of opportunities to practice, practice, practice!

DoWnLoAd FiLe

بوكت اخي الكريم وجزاك الله كل الخير بالمناسية انا ادرس اللغة الايطالية في الجامعة
وان شاء الله سأعمل جاهدا للمساهمة ببعض المواضيع في اللغة الايطالية .:):)
ماشاء الله ، في الحقيقة كنت أرغب بشدة في تعلم اللغة الايطالية لأنها جميلة وسلسة وانا أعرف العديد من مفرداتها - بحكم أني ليبي حيث العديد من الكلمات العامية لدينا هي بالايطالية - ولكن الوقت لم يسمح بدلك ...... وفقك الله أخي