الرياضيات التطبيقية كتاب : Differential Equations


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Differential Equations

Shepley L. Ross, "Differential Equations"
John Wiley and Sons | 1985 | ISBN: 0471814504 | 816 pages | Djvu | 7,3 MB

This revised introduction to the basic methods, theory and applications of elementary differential equations employs a two part organization. Part I includes all the basic material found in a one semester introductory course in ordinary differential equations. Part II introduces students to certain specialized and more advanced methods, as well as providing a systematic introduction to fundamental theory.

Summary: Dr. Parviz Ghavami, College professor
Rating: 5

I had Ross differential equation in my undergraduate, and also graduate studies. I found it very simple written textbook in this area, and the beauty of the book is that the Author not only knows the subject, he also knows what he is talking about. I have seen lots of differential equations with pretty pictures, not even single of them is comparable with Ross book. Great book. I rate him 5 without any doubt.

Summary: old school
Rating: 5

I bought this book because of the book cover and the big font, looks like college books from 80s. Overall good read.

Summary: no pictures but good reading
Rating: 5

When I was an undergraduate student taking my first course in differential equations the class hat had a textbook that had a lot of pictures and almost no explaining of the material (i.e. the usual just try this method that works & the magic how did they get that step).... Thus, being a student that wanted to do well in the course I sought out a different book to read and found the Ross book. The Ross differential equations book is an excellent introduction to differential equations as it does answer why things work, but still keeps it at an introductory level that freshman / sophomore college students can grasp.

Now, that I have completed 80 years of school and have been granted the opportunity to be an assistant professor I choose this book to teach from as it keep that balance: for the students who want to see why things work it gives an outline, but then on the next page for the students who just want to solve the problems it gives the generic process that can be followed to solve the problems. And, the other useful thing is LOTS OF FULLY WORKED EXAMPLES, and not just simple examples. This book starts with one simple example and then builds to a more challenging example and continues in that fashion.

I guess the only thing I can complain about this book is there are no pretty pictures like all of the books have, but at least you can say if you read this book you will learn differential equations..


