X-Ray Scattering of Soft Matter (Springer Laboratory) by Norbert Stribeck

X-Ray Scattering of Soft Matter (Springer Laboratory) by Norbert Stribeck (Repost)
Publisher: Springer | June 11, 2007 | ISBN: 3540698558 | Pages: 238 | PDF | 3.67 MB
Applications of X-ray scattering to soft matter have advanced considerably within recent years, both conceptually and technically – mature high-power X-ray sources, synchrotrons and rotating anodes, as well as high-speed detectors have become readily available. High-quality time-resolved experiments on polymer structure now can be performed with ease, a major advancement due to the genuine power of the scattering method. This manual summarizes the analytical power of modern X-ray scattering in the field of soft matter. Description of simple tools that can elucidate the mechanisms of structure evolution in the studied materials is followed by a step-for-step guide and breakdown of the more advanced methods. Data analysis based on clear, unequivocal results is rendered simple and straightforward – with a stress on the carefully planning of the experiments and adequate recording of all required data. To this end, this book serves as a useful ready-reference guide.
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X-Ray Scattering of Soft Matter (Springer Laboratory) by Norbert Stribeck (Repost)
Publisher: Springer | June 11, 2007 | ISBN: 3540698558 | Pages: 238 | PDF | 3.67 MB
Applications of X-ray scattering to soft matter have advanced considerably within recent years, both conceptually and technically – mature high-power X-ray sources, synchrotrons and rotating anodes, as well as high-speed detectors have become readily available. High-quality time-resolved experiments on polymer structure now can be performed with ease, a major advancement due to the genuine power of the scattering method. This manual summarizes the analytical power of modern X-ray scattering in the field of soft matter. Description of simple tools that can elucidate the mechanisms of structure evolution in the studied materials is followed by a step-for-step guide and breakdown of the more advanced methods. Data analysis based on clear, unequivocal results is rendered simple and straightforward – with a stress on the carefully planning of the experiments and adequate recording of all required data. To this end, this book serves as a useful ready-reference guide.
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