الجبر كتاب The Mathematics of Matrices


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طاقم الإدارة
The Mathematics of Matrices
Author(s): Philip J. Davis
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Date : 1973
Pages : 348
Format : PDF + DJVU
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0471009288
ISBN-13 : 9780471009283

THE USE OF MATRICES has now extended beyond mathematics and the
physical sciences to business and economics, psychology, and the
social and political sciences. The wide use of the first edition of this book
confirms the opinion that matrix algebra can and should be introduced to
the student as early as possible.
In the years since preparing the first edition, time-sharing computer
facilities and interactive languages have become widely available. Many
of these languages (such as APL) have extremely convenient matrix
implementation which is close to classical matrix notation. This makes
available many simplifications in setting up computation and hence is a
further reason for learning matrix algebra.
I have recently been using this text for the matrix part of a freshman
course called "The Introduction to Applied Mathematics." This course
uses computer facilities routinely and-while by no means necessary-
believe the computer serves at once to drive home certain theoretical
points and to offer the opportunity of handling problems of realistic proportions.
In the Second Edition of this book, a number of minor errors present
in the first edition have been eliminated
