Golden Software Grapher 8.0.278


طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم
احبتي في الله
اليكم نهدي هذه النسخة الاحدث من البرنامج Grapher 8.0.278المتخصص برسم المخططات والسطوح ثلاثية البعد
بدقة عالية وكفائة
يتميز هذا البرنامج بامكاناته الواسعة في ادارة البيانات والتعامل معها
يتيح لك عدة خيارات تمكنك من الرسم ثلاثي البعد بحيث تظهر لك العديد من التفاصيل وبدقة عالية
1-مثالي للعلماءِ، مهندسون
2-قوي وسهل الاستعمال
3-يمكنك من انشاء رسوم بيانية احترافية
4-يوفر لك اكثر من 54 نوع مختلف من الرسومات البيانية
5-امكانية التحكم العالية بجودة الرسم البياني من خلال خيارات الرسم التي من ضمنها التحكم بالالوان
6- برنامج صغير الحجم وعالي الاداء """" 27.1 MB

Golden Software Grapher 8.0.278

Golden Software Grapher 8.0.278
Win App | 27.1 MB | RS.COM

An efficient and powerful graphing program for all of your most complex graphing needs. Ideal for scientists, engineers, and business professionals! Fast. Easy. Accurate.

Grapher 8 is the ultimate graphing package available! Discover how this easy-to-use, powerful, and dynamic program can help you create superior and professional graphs! With Grapher, it has never been easier to WOW your audience with the most impressive graphs, every time!


Grapher will help you present your information in a clear and precise manner. Choose from 54 different graph types to find the graph which best represents your data. Add text, draw objects, customize colors, or insert your company logo to create the perfect graph. Once you have finished installing Grapher 8, you will be creating fabulous and illustrative graphs within minutes!


Grapher’s possibilities are limited only by your imagination! Customize your graphs so they look their best! Each of Grapher’s 54 graph types has a multitude of editing options to enhance its appearance. Change line colors and thicknesses, add gradient color fills, or add solid fills and adjust the opacity to see the information below. Create informative graphs by adding error bars, fit curves, confidence intervals, titles, and legends. You can even add your own customizations to the defaults, so the default graph is truly yours! These are just some of the endless options Grapher offers to easily create the most colorful, descriptive, and understandable graphs—ready for publication!

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