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البرنامج المميز CyberMotion 3D-Designer




CyberMotion is a professional 3D-designing program for modelling and animating 3D-objects with features such as a multi-window graphical user interface, integrated 3D modeling tools, hierarchical animation, a raytrace renderer, and a host of special effects.

Just select an object and drag it with your mouse to move, scale or rotate it or input the parameters into the corresponding edit boxes for more precise work. Build your own objects with the built in editors. Additionally there are tools for manipulating individual points and facets.

You can create your own surfaces in the powerful material editor or just load and adjust one out of the materials library. The material editor provides settings for colours, reflection, transparency, self illumination, procedural and bitmap textures, bumpmap textures and many more.

With the raytracing algorithm CyberMotion is able to render photorealistic pictures and animations with real fraction, reflection and shadows, just like in nature. Special effects like depth-sharpness, lens and luminosity flares will enhance the impression of real camera pictures.

Features include Boolean Operations, NURBS-Patches and Cyl., TrueType-3D-Fonts, Surface Extruding, Render Output in external window with integrated AVI-Player, interactive camera movement, Inverse Kinematics, multiple bitmap layer, alpha maps, reflection and transparency maps, bilinear filtering, object halo, animated depth sharpness, and light preview.

Other features include landscape designer, improved atmospheric backgrounds, additional procedural texture patterns, multi-layered terrain textures, big preview windows in the main dialogs, visual libraries for materials, landscapes and atmospheres, Global Illumination using Photon Mapping, Caustics, Volumetric Fire and Area Lights, Volumetric Fog and more.

This latest version features a new viewport and object selection management, textured viewport depiction, multiple materials on individual facet selections, uv-Mapping, extended particle functions, data recovery and much more​

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