الرياضيات التطبيقية كتاب ممتاز : Applied Nonlinear Control: Jean-Jacques Slotine, Weiping Li


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Applied Nonlinear Control: Jean-Jacques Slotine, Weiping Li

Applied Nonlinear Control: Jean-Jacques Slotine, Weiping Li
Prentice Hall | ISBN: 0130408905 | 1991 | PDF (OCR) | 461 pages | 9.3 Mb

Slotine's book is a great introduction to nonlinear controls, the best I know of. When a colleague comes into my office and asks for an introduction to nonlinear control, I invariably send them off with this book. (In fact, it's currently let out now, and I can't remember who has it.)
Many controls people think that you can't introduce controls without the abusive math found in most texts. Slotine minimizes a lot of that dense math and, in my opinion, focuses on the important concepts of nonlinear control without getting bogged down.
On the negative side, as others have pointed out, Slotine's book doesn't have the detailed mathematical treatment of other books on nonlinear control. A researcher in nonlinear controls will have to get additional resources to really dig in to a particular field. Slotine's minimization of math does border on marginalization. But I believe this was his purpose!
In conclusion, if you're looking for an introduction or (relatively gentle) exposure to the field of nonlinear systems, nonlinear controls, chaos, or adaptive controls, then I think Slotine's is the best book around.
