mohamad asaad
مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Physical Rehabilitation, By Susan B. O'Sullivan, 5th Edition

"Physical Rehabilitation, By Susan B. O'Sullivan, 5th Edition "
O'Sullivan | ISBN: 0803612478 | English | PDF | 1383 pages | 327 mb | Rapidshare
"Physical Rehabilitation" is the comprehensive, curriculum-spanning text for physical therapy students and a key reference for practicing physical therapists and other rehabilitation professionals. Focusing on the rehabilitation management of adult patients, it integrates basic surgical, medical, and therapeutic concepts to explain how to select appropriate evaluation procedures and to develop treatment goals and plans. This updated 5th edition has been revitalized with a new two-color design and more photographs, illustrations and tables resulting in a more user-friendly presentation.
رابط التحميل

"Physical Rehabilitation, By Susan B. O'Sullivan, 5th Edition "
O'Sullivan | ISBN: 0803612478 | English | PDF | 1383 pages | 327 mb | Rapidshare
"Physical Rehabilitation" is the comprehensive, curriculum-spanning text for physical therapy students and a key reference for practicing physical therapists and other rehabilitation professionals. Focusing on the rehabilitation management of adult patients, it integrates basic surgical, medical, and therapeutic concepts to explain how to select appropriate evaluation procedures and to develop treatment goals and plans. This updated 5th edition has been revitalized with a new two-color design and more photographs, illustrations and tables resulting in a more user-friendly presentation.
رابط التحميل
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