Question in natural product synthesis "Urgent"


New Member
HI all,
This is my first time to post a message in this website...I have only discovered this great websites few weeks ago and I have been flipping thru its different pages and I honestly found it to be verryyy useful. I would like to ask if anyone can help me out. I have a question in natural product chem course. Specifically, I need help with retrosynthesis analysis. Has anyone heard of pyrodysinic acid molecule before? I am trying to synthesize it but I have no idea how to start with the retrosynthesis. If you look it up, the molecule is a 3 ring fused structure (2 six membered rings and one nitrogen five ring). If you can suggest anything to me that would be great....Hint: I know that I have to use Diels Alder cycloaddition reaction in one step but again I am not sure how.
Many thanks and waiting for someone to help me out and save my life!!!!
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