مرام الماسه
ارجوا مساعدتي في حل هذه الاسئله, اريد حلها ضروووي ومستعجل؟
Q: Let p : X ® Y be a quotient map, and assume that p ({y}) −1 is connected for each yÎY. Show that an
open (or closed) set B of Y is connected iff p (B) −1 is connected
َQ:Let X be a C2 - space and A be uncountable subset of X. Prove that
(a) the subspace topology on A is not the discrete topology
(b) A contains at least one of its limit point
rove that the set of isolated points of a C2 space X is countable
ولكم جزيل الشكر.
Q: Let p : X ® Y be a quotient map, and assume that p ({y}) −1 is connected for each yÎY. Show that an
open (or closed) set B of Y is connected iff p (B) −1 is connected
َQ:Let X be a C2 - space and A be uncountable subset of X. Prove that
(a) the subspace topology on A is not the discrete topology
(b) A contains at least one of its limit point
ولكم جزيل الشكر.