Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons: Volume 1 + Volume 2, Second Edition by Robert W. Galla
Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons: Volume 1 + Volume 2, Second Edition by Robert W. Gallant
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing | 2 edition (August 29, 1992) | ISBN: 0884150674 | Pages: 259 | PDF | 19.5 MB
Publisher: CRC Press | 2 edition (August 31, 1988) | ISBN: 0872016900 | Pages: 212 | PDF | 26.6 MB
Providing the essential physical property data needed to design and operate oil refineries, petrochemical plants and gas processing facilities, this expanded edition covers the paraffinic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons and several oxygenated hydrocarbons, such as alcohols, oxides and glycols. Data on vapor pressure, heat of vaporization, density, surface tension, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, heat of formation and Gibb's free energy of formation are presented in graphical form for each compound. Wherever possible, data have been extended over a wide temperature range. Water solubility, lower explosion limit and upper explosion limit have been added to the tables to assist environmental and safety engineers. SI and metric units are used for all properties except vapor pressure. Temperatures are in centigrade and conversion tables are included.
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Volume 1|Volume 2

Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons: Volume 1 + Volume 2, Second Edition by Robert W. Gallant
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing | 2 edition (August 29, 1992) | ISBN: 0884150674 | Pages: 259 | PDF | 19.5 MB
Publisher: CRC Press | 2 edition (August 31, 1988) | ISBN: 0872016900 | Pages: 212 | PDF | 26.6 MB
Providing the essential physical property data needed to design and operate oil refineries, petrochemical plants and gas processing facilities, this expanded edition covers the paraffinic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons and several oxygenated hydrocarbons, such as alcohols, oxides and glycols. Data on vapor pressure, heat of vaporization, density, surface tension, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, heat of formation and Gibb's free energy of formation are presented in graphical form for each compound. Wherever possible, data have been extended over a wide temperature range. Water solubility, lower explosion limit and upper explosion limit have been added to the tables to assist environmental and safety engineers. SI and metric units are used for all properties except vapor pressure. Temperatures are in centigrade and conversion tables are included.
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Volume 1|Volume 2