8.03 Physics III: Vibrations and Waves

8.03 Physics III: Vibrations and Waves | 3.1 GB
This is a picture of Prof. Lewin, taken by Prof. Lewin. It was the "Astronomy Picture of the Day" (APOD) on September 13, 2004. It was also presented to his 8.03 students as a challenge to obtain extra course credit if they were able to explain this phenomenon. On December 7, Prof. Lewin revealed the physics (and demonstrated it) in lecture 22. The solution was also revealed by APOD to the many thousands of people who were puzzled by it and who tried to explain it.
1. Periodic Phenomena (Oscillations, Waves) - SHO - Complex Notation - Differential Equations - Physical Pendulum
2. Beats - Damped Free Oscillations (Under- Over- and Critically Damped) - Quality Q
3. Forced Oscillations with Damping
4. Forced Oscillations - Power at Resonance (Resonance Absorption, Resonance Width, Quality Q) - Transient Phenomena (General Solutions including Initial Conditions)
5. Coupled Oscillators
6. Driven Coupled Oscillators - Triple Pendulum - Steady State and Transient Solutions - Cramer's Rule
7. Many Coupled Oscillators - Wave Equation - Transverse Traveling Pulses and Waves
8. Traveling Waves - Boundary Conditions - Standing Waves - Sound (Longitudinal Waves) - Energy in Waves
9. Musical Instruments - Sound Cavities - Normal Modes
10. Exam 1 Review
11. Fourier Analysis - Time Evolution of Pulses on Strings
12. Dispersion - Phase Velocity - Group Velocity
13. Electromagnetic Waves - Plane Wave Solutions to Maxwell's Equations - Polarization - Malus' Law
14. Accelerated Charges - Poynting Vector - Power - Rayleigh Scattering - Polarization
15. Doppler Effect - Sound - EM Radiation - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes - Expanding Universe
16. Boundary Conditions at Perfect Conductors - Reflection - Standing EM Waves - Transmission Lines - Radiation Pressure
17. Wave Guides - Resonance Cavities of EM-radiation and Sound
18. Boundary Conditions for Dielectrics - Index of Refraction - Snell's Law - Total Internal Reflection - Fresnel Equations - Brewster Angle
19. Exam 2 Review
20. Huygens' Principle - Interference - Thin films - Soap - Oil - Light (double slit interference)
21. Diffraction - Gratings - Pin Holes - Angular Resolution
22. Rainbows - Haloes - Coronae - Glories
23. Farewell Special - Bring a Friend!
iNFO: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-03Fall-2004/CourseHome/index.htm
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8.03 Physics III: Vibrations and Waves | 3.1 GB
This is a picture of Prof. Lewin, taken by Prof. Lewin. It was the "Astronomy Picture of the Day" (APOD) on September 13, 2004. It was also presented to his 8.03 students as a challenge to obtain extra course credit if they were able to explain this phenomenon. On December 7, Prof. Lewin revealed the physics (and demonstrated it) in lecture 22. The solution was also revealed by APOD to the many thousands of people who were puzzled by it and who tried to explain it.
1. Periodic Phenomena (Oscillations, Waves) - SHO - Complex Notation - Differential Equations - Physical Pendulum
2. Beats - Damped Free Oscillations (Under- Over- and Critically Damped) - Quality Q
3. Forced Oscillations with Damping
4. Forced Oscillations - Power at Resonance (Resonance Absorption, Resonance Width, Quality Q) - Transient Phenomena (General Solutions including Initial Conditions)
5. Coupled Oscillators
6. Driven Coupled Oscillators - Triple Pendulum - Steady State and Transient Solutions - Cramer's Rule
7. Many Coupled Oscillators - Wave Equation - Transverse Traveling Pulses and Waves
8. Traveling Waves - Boundary Conditions - Standing Waves - Sound (Longitudinal Waves) - Energy in Waves
9. Musical Instruments - Sound Cavities - Normal Modes
10. Exam 1 Review
11. Fourier Analysis - Time Evolution of Pulses on Strings
12. Dispersion - Phase Velocity - Group Velocity
13. Electromagnetic Waves - Plane Wave Solutions to Maxwell's Equations - Polarization - Malus' Law
14. Accelerated Charges - Poynting Vector - Power - Rayleigh Scattering - Polarization
15. Doppler Effect - Sound - EM Radiation - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes - Expanding Universe
16. Boundary Conditions at Perfect Conductors - Reflection - Standing EM Waves - Transmission Lines - Radiation Pressure
17. Wave Guides - Resonance Cavities of EM-radiation and Sound
18. Boundary Conditions for Dielectrics - Index of Refraction - Snell's Law - Total Internal Reflection - Fresnel Equations - Brewster Angle
19. Exam 2 Review
20. Huygens' Principle - Interference - Thin films - Soap - Oil - Light (double slit interference)
21. Diffraction - Gratings - Pin Holes - Angular Resolution
22. Rainbows - Haloes - Coronae - Glories
23. Farewell Special - Bring a Friend!
iNFO: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-03Fall-2004/CourseHome/index.htm
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