فيديو برنامج CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra للتحميل لعمل الكليبات والفديوهات


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برنامج PowerDirector
للاخراج وعمل الكليبات والفديوهات
باور دايريكتور الترا كونه مخرج سينمائي المهنية سهلة مع باور دايريكتور 8 من سايبرلينك. مجرد التقاط لقطات كاميرا هاندي كام [هد] والتحرير تبدأ على الكمبيوتر الخاص بك مع ميزات البرنامج البسيطة التي تجعل كل عملية سلسة. ستجد كل أنواع الطرق لمعالجة ملفات الفيديو في حين أن الحصول على دعم من تقنية شعبية ، [مبغ - 2 - [هد] [هد] وومف الأشكال. إضافة مثيرة المؤثرات الخاصة لفيلم المشاريع الخاصة بك ، بما في ذلك آثار جسيمات جديدة تكون قادرة على الرد على التوجيه والجاذبية. باور دايريكتور يوفر أيضا أدوات تحرير السحرية التي يمكن تلقائيا تحرير الفيديو وكانت النتائج مذهلة أو إنشاء عرض الشرائح المهنية تبحث الصورة التي متزامنة مع الصوت أو الموسيقى.
PowerDirector Ultra 10
CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra Multilingual.incl-simkey
CyberLink PowerDirector - provides a fivefold increase in performance for a variety of objectives through effective use of resources, CPU and GPU. The program has expanded support processor Intel Core i7, as well as modern ATI Stream technology and NVIDIA CUDA. Users will be able to publish finished videos to a personal page on Facebook or YouTube video portals directly from the interface of the product. Materials can also be processed for playback on portable devices (such as the iPhone and PSP), or stored on optical media (Blu-ray, AVCHD and DVD).

With this toolkit owners of digital cameras will be able to transform materials amateur footage into a full video of professional quality. The new version boasts enhanced support for high-definition formats, and allows you to create video, distributed on disks Blu-ray Disc (formats BDAV and BDMV). Attention users requested support functions PiP (picture in picture), an impressive collection of transition effects, tools to produce high quality "slide show" and creating interactive menus and more.

- The effects of particles
- Fully customizable effects, which allow you to add arbitrary objects of particles (snow, dust, falling objects, etc.) over the video.
- Improved slideshow editor
- Full customization of the camera, 3D, allocation and movement through the slideshow editor.
- Enhanced tools to improve video
- Use of video for cropping, rotation, change the speed or reverse playback.
- Fixes and improvements through video stabilization, adjust the lighting and improve the quality of video technology TrueTheater.
- Application of noise removal in video and audio files, removing ambiguities video and audio.
- More powerful and user-friendly editing environment
- Ability to use up to nine effects ICC over your master video.
- Adding additional music tracks on the timeline that allows for up to three separate music tracks in the video simultaneously.
- Fully extensible user interface in accordance with specific needs editing.
- Use the form guide to better management of personal multimedia libraries.
- View the video on full screen in the viewing of multimedia.
- View the video on a single display device or video camera when you switch on dual display.
- Use the range selection for selection of segments of the media on the timeline for kopirvoaniya or remove them from the project.
- Use grid lines to assist in the precise placement of ICC and multimedia titles.
- New work area
- A new, easy-to-use workspace, which makes finding videos much faster.
- Optimize CPU / GPU provides high-speed processing of HD video content.
- New functions to create a disk
- New user interface.
- Adding multiple titles at the video created by the disc.
- Create a Slideshow
- View the entire structure of the disc.
- Multi-level menus, as well as easier to use and powerful editor of the menu.
- Faster and easier loading effects and templates from the Web site DirectorZone.
- Download the effects ICC, templates, titles, particle effects and DVD menu templates from the Web site DirectorZone.
- Fully integrated into CyberLink PowerDirector user interface for faster and easier than searching and loading effects and templates.
- Total access to editable projects with other countries through the Web site DirectorZone, to help other users.
- Automatically Shutdown Computer
- Automatically shutdown computer after creating a video or recording it to disk to save energy​
800 MB | Rapidshare - Megaupload

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