الرياضيات التطبيقية Mathematical Physics by Eugene Butkov


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Mathematical Physics by Eugene Butkov

Mathematical Physics
By Eugene Butkov
* Publisher: Addison Wesley
*Number Of Pages: 373 pages
Two pages per paper
Format: DJVU File
* Publication Date: 1973
* ISBN / ASIN: 0201007274

This text offers a comprehensive, elementary and easily understandable introduction to the traditional topics of mathematics that are most readily applicable to the physical sciences. These include differential equations, vector spaces, green functions and Fourier analysis. The motivation is entirely physical which should appeal to the practicing engineer or beginning physicist.

The chief disadvantage lies in its high price, regrettably typical of most text books.

The mathematically sophisticated reader interested in more advanced topics useful in, say, particle physics or field theory, will be far better served by the wonderful work by Choquet-Bruhat and DeWitt-Morette enttled "Analyis, Manifolds and Physics" which remains a classic. Excellent treatments can also be found in "Mathematics for Physicists" by Dennery and Kryzwicki and "Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics" by Byron and Robert, both of which offer well written introductions to more advanced topics at irresistible prices.

Chapter 1: Vectors, Matrices and Coordinates
Chapter 2: Functions of a Complex Variable
Chapter 3: Linear Differential Equations of Second Order
Chapter 4: Fourier Series
Chapter 5: The Laplace Transformation
Chapter 6: Concepts of the Theory of Distribution
Chapter 7: Fourier Transforms
Chapter 8: Partial Differential Equation
Chapter 9: Special Functions
Chapter 10: Finite-Dimensional Linear Spaces
Chapter 11: Infinite-Dimensional Vector Spaces
Chapter 12: Green's Functions
Chapter 13: Variational Methods
Chapter 14: Traveling Waves, Radiation Scattering
Chapter 15: Perturbation Methods
Chapter 16: Tensors
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