Chemical Reagents, Their Purity And Tests


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Chemical Reagents, Their Purity And Tests
E. Merck

Frederiksen Press
Number Of Pages: 264
Publication Date: 2007-09-10
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 140678124X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781406781243

BooK Description
PREFACE As long ago as the early seventies I felt the need of a treatise on Chemical Reagents, and thought of compiling such a work. I was then an assistant in the chemical laboratory of the Government Agricultural Experiment Station at Munster, and in my chemical work there met with constant difficulties on account of the great variations in the chemicals which were graded as C. P. puriss, etc. It was my aim to fix uniform standards for such chemicals as are used in analytical work, such standards to define closely the degree of purity of the chemicals and yet to be possible of attainment in practice by the manufacturer. Not until 1888, however, did my work in this direction take the tangible form of a book, Die Pruefung der Chemischen Reagentien auf Reinheit A second revised and enlarged edition was published in 1891. In 1896 a third edition, carefully revised and still further enlarged, was published. Since that time a good many changes have taken place, so that my book again needed revision. As I was unable t6 undertake this work, Mr. E. Merck, appreciating the usefulness of such a work as mine, published in 1905 what might be considered its up-to-date revision. It is a source of gratification to me to see this work trans- lated and placed before my colleagues across the sea. Such changes and additions as the translator has made in order to adapt the book to their particular needs,have myapproval. Darmstadt, February, 1907. 192831 iii DR. C. KRAUCH. TRANSLATORS PREFACE THE desire of American chemists to rid themselves of the misleading term C.P., and to get in its stead definite statements as to the exact degree of purity of their reagents or the exact limit of the impurities, impelled the American Chemical Society, in 1902, to create a Committee on Purity of Reagents. In 1906 this Committee advised against the publication of a book, because to use their own language until further work is done and more data collected, such a work would be practically only a duplicate of the work of Krauch. It is evident that the work of the Committee is being per- formed with most painstaking care, as, at the time of the last report, the Committee was working on perfecting a method for the accurate colorimetric determination of traces of iron. It is evident, too, that if the collection of data regarding other tests than those for iron is pursued with the same painstaking care, the complete report of the Committee will not be ready for publication for several years. My excuse for present- ing this translation now lies, therefore, in the hope that, until the work of the Committee appears, chemists will generally make acceptance of their purchases conditional upon their coming up to the specifications of purity prescribed by this translation. The additions mentioned by Dr. Krauch, in the preface he has kindly consented to write for this book, are limited to See Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XXVIII, No. 8, pp. 61 and 62. articles which are universally used here but do not seem to be so in Europe, and for which specifications could be found in authoritative American publications. They are Glacial Acetic Acid 99.5, 36 Acetic Acid, Hydrochloric Acid of a specific gravity of 1.050, Nitric Acid with one of 1.40, Phosphoric Acid with one of 1...

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