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اخوتي الاعزاء السلام عليكم ارجو منكم المساعدة في العثور على المقالات التالية.
Akyol, O., Z. Tosuno[FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]ğ[/FONT][/FONT]lu and A. Tokaç. 2000. [FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]İ[/FONT][/FONT]nvestigations of the growth and reproduction of red mullet ([FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]Mullus barbatus [/FONT][/FONT]Linnaeus, 1758) population in the Bay of Izmir (Aegean Sea) Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology, 1: 1, 121-127
Papaconstantinou, C., N. Tsimenidis and C.H. Daoulas, C. 1981. Age and reproduction of red mullet ([FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]Mullus barbatus [/FONT][/FONT]L., 1758) in the gulfs of Saronikos and Thermaikos. Thallassographica, 1:4, 39-66
Vasilopoulou, V. and C. Papaconstantinou, 1992. Aspects of the biology and dynamics of Red Mullet ([FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]Mullus barbatus[/FONT][/FONT]) in the Aegean Sea. FAO Gen. Fisheries. Counc. For the Medit. 115-126
Tokaç, A. and R. Gurbet. 1992. The catchability of Red Mullet ([FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]Mullus barbatus [/FONT][/FONT]Lin. 1758) in the Bay of Izmir, (in Turkish). I.K. Oray [ Eds.], Fisheries and Sea Food Technology Congress , 38-44. Clubs of Rotary Beyo[FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]ğ[/FONT][/FONT]lu, Istanbul.