Richard H. Enns, George C. McGuire
Birkhauser Boston; 1 edition | 2001 | ISBN-10: 0817642234 | PDF | 691 pages | 7.54 MB
Nonlinear physics continues to be an area of dynamic modern research, with applications to physics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, biology, medicine and economics. In this text extensive use is made of the Mathematica computer algebra system. No prior knowledge of Mathematica or programming is assumed. The authors have included a CD-ROM that contains over 130 annotated Mathematica files. These files may be used to solve and explore the text's 400 problems. This book includes 33 experimental activities that are designed to deepen and broaden the reader's understanding of nonlinear physics. These activities are correlated with Part I, the theoretical framework of the text.
Additional features:
* User-friendly, accessible presentation integrating theory, experiments, and the provided Mathematica notebooks; as the concepts of nonlinear science are developed, readers are gently introduced to Mathematica as an auxiliary tool * CD-ROM includes a wide variety of illustrative nonlinear examples solved with Mathematica--command structures introduced on a need-to-know basis * Notebooks designed to make use of Mathematica's sound capability * Mathematica notebook using the EulerEquation command incorporated into the text
This work is an excellent text for undergraduate and graduate students as well as a useful resource for working scientists.