A First Look at Graph Theory
المؤلف: John Clark
الناشر: World Scientific Publishing Company
تاريخ النشر: 1991-05
عدد الصفحات: 352
امتداد الملف: Djvu
اللغة: الإنجليزية
ردمك-10: 9810204906
ردمك-13: 9789810204907
وصف الكتاب
The book is intended to be an introductory text for mathematics and computer science students at the second and third year level in universities. It gives an introduction to the subject with sufficient theory for that level of student, with emphasis on algorithms and applications.
passwod: www.free-books.cc
passwod: www.free-books.cc
المؤلف: John Clark
الناشر: World Scientific Publishing Company
تاريخ النشر: 1991-05
عدد الصفحات: 352
امتداد الملف: Djvu
اللغة: الإنجليزية
ردمك-10: 9810204906
ردمك-13: 9789810204907
وصف الكتاب
The book is intended to be an introductory text for mathematics and computer science students at the second and third year level in universities. It gives an introduction to the subject with sufficient theory for that level of student, with emphasis on algorithms and applications.
passwod: www.free-books.cc
passwod: www.free-books.cc