Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Anthony D Slonim, Murray M Pollack, «Pediatric Critical Care Medicine»
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN: 0781794692 | 2006 | CHM | 944 pages | 37.61 MB
Presenting comprehensive and well-integrated coverage of physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical problems, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is a core textbook and clinical reference for pediatric intensivists at all levels of training. It offers thorough preparation for subspecialty certification and recertification examinations and provides a ready reference for specific problems in the clinical setting. An extensive section on organ system physiology and pathophysiology provides the foundation for physiologically based clinical decision-making. Subsequent sections address clinical disorders of each organ system encountered in the pediatric ICU. The clinical chapters are concise and designed for rapid reference. Numerous illustrations and tables complement the text.
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Anthony D Slonim, Murray M Pollack, «Pediatric Critical Care Medicine»
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN: 0781794692 | 2006 | CHM | 944 pages | 37.61 MB
Presenting comprehensive and well-integrated coverage of physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical problems, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is a core textbook and clinical reference for pediatric intensivists at all levels of training. It offers thorough preparation for subspecialty certification and recertification examinations and provides a ready reference for specific problems in the clinical setting. An extensive section on organ system physiology and pathophysiology provides the foundation for physiologically based clinical decision-making. Subsequent sections address clinical disorders of each organ system encountered in the pediatric ICU. The clinical chapters are concise and designed for rapid reference. Numerous illustrations and tables complement the text.
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